January 20, 2025

Comprehensive Guide to MongoDB Audit Trail with Spring Boot WebFlux



Audit trails are essential for any system that handles sensitive or critical data. They allow tracking changes, debugging issues, and ensuring compliance with regulations. In this post, we’ll focus on implementing an audit trail in a reactive programming context using MongoDB and Spring Boot WebFlux. Additionally, we’ll explore alternative approaches, discuss their pros and cons, and compare performance considerations.

Why MongoDB with Spring Boot WebFlux?

  1. MongoDB:

    • Flexible schema and rich query capabilities make it ideal for storing audit logs.
    • Native support for timestamps (ISODate) ensures consistency.
  2. Spring Boot WebFlux:

    • Reactive, non-blocking framework perfect for high-throughput applications.
    • Seamless integration with MongoDB through Spring Data Reactive.

Approach 1: Using Mongo Auditing Annotations

The first and most straightforward approach uses Spring Data MongoDB's built-in auditing annotations:

Key Annotations

  1. @EnableReactiveMongoAuditing: Enables auditing functionality in a reactive context.
  2. @CreatedDate: Automatically sets the timestamp when the document is created.
  3. @LastModifiedDate: Automatically updates the timestamp when the document is modified.

Implementation Steps

  1. Add Auditable Base Class
    Define a reusable base class for audit fields:

    import org.springframework.data.annotation.CreatedDate; import org.springframework.data.annotation.LastModifiedDate; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Field; import java.time.Instant; public abstract class Auditable { @CreatedDate @Field("created_date") private Instant createdDate; @LastModifiedDate @Field("last_modified_date") private Instant lastModifiedDate; // Getters and Setters }
  2. Extend the Base Class
    Use the Auditable class in your entities:

    import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document; @Document(collection = "persons") public class Person extends Auditable { @Id private String id; private String name; private String email; private String phone; // Getters and Setters }
  3. Enable Auditing in Your Application
    Add @EnableReactiveMongoAuditing to your main application class:

    @SpringBootApplication @EnableReactiveMongoAuditing public class AuditTrailApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(AuditTrailApplication.class, args); } }


  • Ease of Use: Built-in support with minimal configuration.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniform auditing fields across entities.
  • Reactive Compatibility: Fully supports WebFlux and reactive MongoDB repositories.


  • Limited Customization: Doesn’t capture user context or operation details like WHO performed the action or WHAT was changed.
  • Single Collection Only: Can’t store audit logs separately, leading to potential bloat in your primary collections.

Approach 2: Storing Separate Audit Logs

This approach involves storing audit logs in a separate MongoDB collection. Each log entry captures details like operation type, timestamps, old and new states, and the user who performed the action.

Implementation Steps

  1. Define an AuditLog Entity
    Create a separate entity to store audit logs:

    import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Map; @Document(collection = "audit_logs") public class AuditLog { @Id private String id; private String entityId; private String entityType; private String action; // CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE private String performedBy; private Instant timestamp; private Map<String, Object> oldState; private Map<String, Object> newState; // Getters and Setters }
  2. Create Callbacks for Auditing
    Use MongoDB callbacks to log changes:

    import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.event.ReactiveAfterSaveCallback; import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.event.ReactiveBeforeDeleteCallback; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; @Component public class AuditTrailCallback implements ReactiveAfterSaveCallback<Person>, ReactiveBeforeDeleteCallback<Person> { private final AuditLogRepository auditLogRepository; public AuditTrailCallback(AuditLogRepository auditLogRepository) { this.auditLogRepository = auditLogRepository; } @Override public Mono<Person> onAfterSave(Person person, String collection) { AuditLog auditLog = new AuditLog(); auditLog.setEntityId(person.getId()); auditLog.setEntityType("Person"); auditLog.setAction("CREATE/UPDATE"); auditLog.setPerformedBy("user@example.com"); // Replace with actual user context auditLog.setTimestamp(Instant.now()); auditLog.setNewState(Map.of("name", person.getName(), "email", person.getEmail())); return auditLogRepository.save(auditLog).thenReturn(person); } @Override public Mono<Person> onBeforeDelete(Person person, String collection) { AuditLog auditLog = new AuditLog(); auditLog.setEntityId(person.getId()); auditLog.setEntityType("Person"); auditLog.setAction("DELETE"); auditLog.setPerformedBy("user@example.com"); auditLog.setTimestamp(Instant.now()); auditLog.setOldState(Map.of("name", person.getName(), "email", person.getEmail())); return auditLogRepository.save(auditLog).thenReturn(person); } }


  • Comprehensive Tracking: Captures complete audit details, including WHO, WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE.
  • Separate Storage: Keeps audit logs independent of primary data, reducing the risk of collection bloat.
  • Query Optimization: Index audit-specific fields for faster querying.


  • Increased Complexity: Requires additional code and storage considerations.
  • Higher Latency: Reactive streams may experience slight delays due to the additional write operations.

Performance Comparison

FeatureBuilt-In AnnotationsSeparate Audit Logs
Ease of UseSimpleModerate
Storage ImpactBloat in main collectionsSeparate collection growth
LatencyMinimalSlightly higher
ScalabilityLess scalableHighly scalable
Compliance ReadinessBasicAdvanced

Best Practices

  1. Use Instant for Timestamps
    Instant is timezone-agnostic and aligns well with MongoDB's ISODate.

  2. Index Fields
    Ensure fields like createdDate, lastModifiedDate, entityId, and action are indexed for query efficiency.

  3. Avoid Overhead
    In high-throughput systems, consider buffering audit logs and writing them in batches.

  4. Integrate with User Context
    Use SecurityContext or similar mechanisms to capture the authenticated user performing the action.

Further Reading

With this guide, you can choose the right auditing approach for your system, balancing simplicity, scalability, and compliance needs. By integrating MongoDB auditing seamlessly with Spring Boot WebFlux, you ensure that your application remains efficient, reliable, and ready for future challenges.