February 23, 2025

Week 3: Unsupervised Learning - Clustering - K-means/Kernel K-means


Clustering is a fundamental technique in unsupervised learning, which aims to group similar data points together. In this blog, we will cover K-means and Kernel K-means clustering in depth, including their mathematical foundations, examples, and real-world applications.

What is Clustering?

Clustering is the task of dividing a dataset into groups (clusters) where objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. It is widely used in customer segmentation, image compression, anomaly detection, and bioinformatics.

Types of Clustering Algorithms:

  1. Partition-based Clustering (e.g., K-means, Kernel K-means)
  2. Hierarchical Clustering (Agglomerative, Divisive)
  3. Density-based Clustering (DBSCAN, Mean Shift)
  4. Model-based Clustering (Gaussian Mixture Models)

K-Means Clustering

Algorithm Steps:

  1. Select the number of clusters, K.
  2. Initialize K cluster centroids randomly.
  3. Assign each data point to the nearest centroid.
  4. Recalculate the centroids by taking the mean of all points assigned to that cluster.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until convergence (centroids no longer change significantly).

Example 1: Clustering Customers Based on Spending Behavior

Given Dataset:

Customer ID Annual Income (k$) Spending Score (1-100)
1 15 39
2 16 81
3 17 6
4 18 77
5 19 40

Step 1: Choose K = 2 and initialize centroids randomly.

Step 2: Compute distances and assign points to the closest centroid.

Step 3: Recalculate centroids.

Step 4: Repeat until convergence.

Conclusion: K-means successfully clusters customers into different spending groups, allowing businesses to tailor marketing strategies accordingly.

Kernel K-Means Clustering

Kernel K-means is an extension of K-means that maps data into a higher-dimensional space using a kernel function before performing clustering.

Common Kernel Functions:

  1. Linear Kernel: K(xi,xj)=xixjK(x_i, x_j) = x_i \cdot x_j
  2. Polynomial Kernel: K(xi,xj)=(xixj+c)dK(x_i, x_j) = (x_i \cdot x_j + c)^d
  3. Gaussian (RBF) Kernel: K(xi,xj)=exixj22σ2K(x_i, x_j) = e^{-\frac{||x_i - x_j||^2}{2\sigma^2}}

Example 2: Clustering Non-Linearly Separable Data

Dataset: Imagine we have two circular clusters that are not linearly separable.

  1. Apply the Gaussian kernel to transform the data.
  2. Use K-means on the transformed space.

Conclusion: Kernel K-means enables clustering in situations where standard K-means fails.

Advantages & Disadvantages

Method Advantages Disadvantages
K-Means Fast, easy to implement, scalable Sensitive to outliers, requires specifying K
Kernel K-Means Works on non-linear data Computationally expensive

Real-World Applications

  1. Marketing Segmentation – Group customers based on behavior.
  2. Image Segmentation – Divide images into meaningful regions.
  3. Anomaly Detection – Detect fraud in transactions.

20+ Questions and Answers for Understanding

# Question Answer
1 What is clustering in machine learning? Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that groups similar data points together.
2 What is the primary objective of K-means? To minimize the variance within each cluster.
3 What is a centroid in K-means? The center of a cluster, computed as the mean of all points in that cluster.
4 How does Kernel K-means differ from K-means? It applies a kernel function to transform data into a higher-dimensional space before clustering.
5 What is the time complexity of K-means? O(n * k * i), where n is the number of data points, k is the number of clusters, and i is the number of iterations.
6 What happens if you choose a bad initial centroid? The algorithm may converge to a local minimum.
7 How can you determine the best value for K? Using the Elbow Method or Silhouette Score.
8 What metric is used to measure clustering performance? Inertia, Davies-Bouldin Index, Silhouette Score.
9 What type of clustering is K-means? Partition-based clustering.
10 What is an application of K-means in healthcare? Grouping patients based on medical conditions.
11 What is an outlier in clustering? A data point that does not belong to any cluster.
12 What kernel is commonly used in Kernel K-means? Gaussian (RBF) kernel.
13 Can K-means work with categorical data? No, K-means works best with numerical data.
14 What is the Silhouette Score? A metric that evaluates how well clusters are separated.
15 Why does K-means require normalization? To prevent features with large ranges from dominating the distance calculation.
16 How do you deal with outliers in K-means? Use K-medoids or remove extreme values.
17 What does the term "inertia" mean in K-means? The sum of squared distances from each point to its assigned centroid.
18 How do you speed up K-means? Use K-means++ initialization or Mini-batch K-means.
19 What is a drawback of Kernel K-means? Higher computational cost.
20 When should you use Kernel K-means over K-means? When the data is not linearly separable.


K-means and Kernel K-means are powerful clustering techniques that help analyze and segment data efficiently. While K-means is simple and scalable, Kernel K-means is better suited for complex datasets. Understanding these methods, along with their mathematical foundations and real-world applications, will prepare you well for exams and practical implementations.

Let me know if you need further refinements! 🚀

Week 3: Unsupervised Learning - Clustering - K-means/Kernel K-means

 Introduction to Clustering

Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique used to group data points into clusters based on their similarities. Unlike supervised learning, clustering does not rely on labeled data. Instead, it finds inherent patterns and structures within the data.

K-Means Clustering

K-Means is one of the most widely used clustering algorithms. It partitions data into K clusters, where each cluster is represented by its centroid.

Steps of K-Means Algorithm

  1. Choose the number of clusters, K.
  2. Randomly initialize K centroids.
  3. Assign each data point to the nearest centroid.
  4. Update centroids as the mean of the assigned points.
  5. Repeat until centroids do not change significantly (convergence).

Mathematical Formulation

The objective function (loss function) for K-Means is the sum of squared distances between data points and their respective cluster centroids:

J=i=1KxjCixjμi2J = \sum_{i=1}^{K} \sum_{x_j \in C_i} || x_j - \mu_i ||^2


  • KK is the number of clusters.
  • CiC_i is the set of points belonging to cluster ii.
  • μi\mu_i is the centroid of cluster ii.
  • xjμi2|| x_j - \mu_i ||^2 is the squared Euclidean distance.

Choosing the Value of K

Several methods can help determine an optimal value for K:

  1. Elbow Method: Plot the Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS) for different values of K and look for an 'elbow' point where adding more clusters provides diminishing returns.
  2. Silhouette Score: Measures how similar a data point is to its assigned cluster versus other clusters.
  3. Gap Statistic: Compares WCSS with expected WCSS under random distribution.

Example of K-Means Clustering

Step 1: Given Data Points

Assume we have the following data points: (2,3), (3,4), (8,7), (9,6), (10,8)

Step 2: Choose K=2 and Initialize Centroids

Let's assume initial centroids are (2,3) and (8,7).

Step 3: Compute Distance and Assign Clusters

Using Euclidean distance, we compute the distance of each point to the centroids and assign clusters.

Step 4: Compute New Centroids

After assigning clusters, update centroids and repeat the process until convergence.

Kernel K-Means Clustering

Kernel K-Means extends K-Means to non-linearly separable data using a kernel function. Instead of computing distances in the original feature space, it transforms data into a higher-dimensional space where clusters become linearly separable.

Kernel Trick

A kernel function K(xi,xj)K(x_i, x_j) is used to compute distances in transformed space, avoiding explicit transformation. Common kernels:

  1. Linear Kernel: K(x,y)=xTyK(x,y) = x^T y
  2. Polynomial Kernel: K(x,y)=(xTy+c)dK(x,y) = (x^T y + c)^d
  3. Gaussian (RBF) Kernel: K(x,y)=exy22σ2K(x,y) = e^{- \frac{||x - y||^2}{2 \sigma^2}}

Mathematical Formulation

Instead of centroid-based calculations, Kernel K-Means minimizes the following objective function:

J=i=1KxjCiK(xj,xj)2CixjCixkCiK(xj,xk)J = \sum_{i=1}^{K} \sum_{x_j \in C_i} K(x_j, x_j) - \frac{2}{|C_i|} \sum_{x_j \in C_i} \sum_{x_k \in C_i} K(x_j, x_k)

Advantages of Kernel K-Means

  • Handles non-linearly separable clusters
  • Works well with high-dimensional data
  • Utilizes different kernels to adapt clustering to various data distributions

20 Knowledge Testing Questions & Answers

# Question Answer & Explanation
1 What is the main difference between K-Means and Kernel K-Means? K-Means uses Euclidean distance, while Kernel K-Means uses a kernel function to transform data into higher dimensions.
2 How does K-Means decide the initial cluster centers? Randomly selects K points from the dataset as initial centroids.
3 What is the stopping criterion in K-Means? The algorithm stops when centroids do not change significantly between iterations.
4 What type of clustering does K-Means perform? Hard clustering, meaning each point belongs to exactly one cluster.
5 What is the computational complexity of K-Means? O(n * K * d * i), where n = data points, K = clusters, d = dimensions, i = iterations.
6 What is the purpose of the Elbow Method? It helps determine the optimal number of clusters by plotting WCSS vs. K.
7 How do we compute the new centroids in K-Means? By taking the mean of all points assigned to each cluster.
8 How is the Silhouette Score interpreted? A higher silhouette score (close to 1) indicates better clustering.
9 Which kernel is commonly used in Kernel K-Means? Gaussian (RBF) kernel is commonly used.
10 How does Kernel K-Means differ in centroid computation? Instead of averaging points, Kernel K-Means uses a similarity matrix.
11 What distance metric does K-Means use? Euclidean distance.
12 What is a disadvantage of K-Means? Sensitive to outliers and requires predefining the number of clusters.
13 What is the formula for WCSS? Sum of squared distances of points from their centroids.
14 How do we choose the best kernel in Kernel K-Means? Experimentation or cross-validation with different kernels.
15 Why does Kernel K-Means require a similarity matrix? Because it operates in an implicit high-dimensional space.
16 Why does K-Means sometimes fail to converge optimally? Poor centroid initialization can lead to local minima.
17 What technique improves K-Means initialization? K-Means++ selects initial centroids more strategically.
18 What is the role of the kernel trick in Kernel K-Means? It enables clustering in higher dimensions without explicitly computing transformations.
19 How does Kernel K-Means handle non-linearly separable data? It transforms data into a space where clusters become linearly separable.
20 Can Kernel K-Means be applied to image segmentation? Yes, Kernel K-Means is often used for image segmentation in computer vision.


K-Means and Kernel K-Means are powerful clustering techniques. While K-Means is efficient for well-separated clusters, Kernel K-Means extends its capabilities to complex structures using kernel functions. Understanding these algorithms helps in practical applications like image segmentation, anomaly detection, and recommendation systems.

By mastering these concepts, you will be well-prepared for exams and real-world clustering problems!

4 week of MLT

 Week 1: Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the algorithm identifies patterns in data without labeled responses. It is widely used in clustering, dimensionality reduction, and anomaly detection.

Why Are We Learning This?

  • Helps in identifying hidden patterns in data.
  • Essential for big data analysis and AI applications.
  • Used in recommendation systems, fraud detection, and image compression.
  • Prepares data for supervised learning by reducing noise and dimensionality.
Feature Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning
Data Type Labeled data Unlabeled data
Goal Predict outcomes Identify patterns
Example Spam detection Customer segmentation

Representation Learning

Representation learning helps uncover the underlying structure of data, making it useful for further processing.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA is a statistical method used for dimensionality reduction, helping to transform high-dimensional data into a smaller set while retaining essential information.

Why Is PCA Useful?

  • Reduces computational cost by removing redundant features.
  • Helps visualize high-dimensional data.
  • Used in image processing, genetics, and finance.

Steps of PCA:

  1. Compute the mean and standardize the dataset.
  2. Calculate the covariance matrix.
  3. Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  4. Choose the top k eigenvectors (principal components).
  5. Transform the original dataset.


If we have a dataset with 10 features and we reduce it to 2 principal components, we can visualize data in a 2D space while retaining most of the information.

Additional Example:

PCA is commonly used in facial recognition systems to reduce image dimensions while keeping key facial features intact.

Hints for Exams:

  • Remember PCA reduces dimensions but retains maximum variance.
  • Eigenvalues indicate importance of principal components.
  • Covariance matrix shows feature relationships.

Questions and Answers (Week 1)

Question Answer
What is unsupervised learning? It is a type of ML that finds patterns without labeled data.
What is PCA used for? Dimensionality reduction.
How does PCA transform data? By finding new axes that maximize variance.
What is an eigenvector? A direction along which data varies the most.
What is an eigenvalue? A measure of variance along an eigenvector.
Why do we standardize data in PCA? To ensure features contribute equally.
What does the covariance matrix do? Captures feature relationships.
What is the main limitation of PCA? It assumes linear relationships.
Can PCA be used for feature selection? Yes, it selects important features.
How do we determine the number of principal components? Using a scree plot or explained variance ratio.
What happens if too many components are removed? Information loss occurs.
What is a scree plot? A graph that shows eigenvalues.
What type of data is best suited for PCA? Linearly correlated data.
Why is PCA useful in image processing? It reduces the number of pixels while keeping important information.
What is dimensionality reduction? Reducing the number of features in a dataset.
What are some alternatives to PCA? t-SNE, LDA, Kernel PCA.
What is the curse of dimensionality? As dimensions increase, data becomes sparse and harder to analyze.
What industries use PCA? Finance, healthcare, image recognition, etc.
What is a principal component? A new feature that captures maximum variance.
Why is high variance important in PCA? It helps retain the most important information.
Can PCA work on categorical data? No, it is designed for numerical data.
What are some practical applications of PCA? Face recognition, recommendation systems, etc.
How do you interpret PCA results? By analyzing principal components and their variance.
What is a real-world example of PCA? Reducing features in stock market prediction.

Week 2: Kernel PCA

Why Is Kernel PCA Important?

  • PCA is limited to linear transformations.
  • Kernel PCA allows for non-linear feature extraction.
  • Useful for complex image recognition, bioinformatics, and speech recognition.

Kernel Trick in PCA

Kernel PCA extends PCA using a kernel function to map data into higher-dimensional space before applying PCA.


If data is shaped like concentric circles, linear PCA would fail. Kernel PCA with an RBF kernel can separate the inner and outer circles.

Hints for Exams:

  • Kernel PCA handles non-linear data better than PCA.
  • Common kernels: RBF, Polynomial, Sigmoid.
  • Kernel matrix (Gram matrix) stores pairwise similarities.

Questions and Answers (Week 2)

Question Answer
What does Kernel PCA do? Extends PCA to non-linear transformations.
What is the kernel trick? Mapping data to higher dimensions.
What is a common kernel used in Kernel PCA? RBF Kernel.
What are some applications of Kernel PCA? Image recognition, anomaly detection.
How does Kernel PCA compare to PCA? It works for non-linear data.
What is a Gram matrix? A kernel matrix storing similarity scores.
Why is Kernel PCA computationally expensive? Because it requires computing the kernel matrix.
What is a practical use case of Kernel PCA? Handwriting recognition.
How do you choose a kernel function? Experiment with different kernels and evaluate performance.
What happens if the wrong kernel is used? Poor results and inefficient learning.
Can Kernel PCA work on text data? Yes, with appropriate feature extraction.
What is the main limitation of Kernel PCA? High memory usage for large datasets.
Why is Kernel PCA useful in bioinformatics? It helps in gene classification.
How does Kernel PCA relate to SVMs? Both use the kernel trick.
What type of data does Kernel PCA handle well? Non-linearly separable data.
What does the RBF kernel do? Maps data into infinite-dimensional space.
Is Kernel PCA useful for dimensionality reduction? Yes, for complex data structures.
How does Kernel PCA improve feature extraction? By capturing non-linear patterns.
What are the challenges of implementing Kernel PCA? High computational cost and kernel selection.
What is the primary advantage of Kernel PCA? It captures complex patterns in data.

Week 3: Unsupervised Learning - Clustering

Why Is Clustering Important?

  • Helps in grouping similar data points automatically.
  • Used in customer segmentation, anomaly detection, and image segmentation.
  • Helps in data pre-processing before supervised learning.

K-Means Clustering

A simple and widely used clustering algorithm that partitions data into K clusters.


  1. Choose K cluster centers (randomly or using initialization techniques like K-means++).
  2. Assign each point to the nearest cluster center.
  3. Recalculate cluster centers by taking the mean of assigned points.
  4. Repeat until convergence.


Imagine grouping customers based on their spending habits. K-means can classify them into low, medium, and high spenders.

Kernel K-Means

An extension of K-Means that uses the kernel trick to map data into a higher-dimensional space, allowing for non-linear cluster boundaries.

When to Use Kernel K-Means?

  • When clusters are not linearly separable.
  • When data has a complex shape (e.g., concentric circles).


Grouping images based on texture patterns where simple K-Means fails.

Hints for Exams:

  • K-Means minimizes intra-cluster variance.
  • Random initialization can lead to different results.
  • Elbow method is used to find the optimal K.

Questions and Answers (Week 3)

Question Answer
What is clustering? A technique to group similar data points together.
How does K-Means work? It partitions data into K clusters by minimizing variance.
What is the primary limitation of K-Means? It assumes spherical clusters and requires specifying K in advance.
What is the elbow method? A technique to find the optimal number of clusters.
How does Kernel K-Means differ from K-Means? It applies the kernel trick to handle non-linearly separable data.
What happens if K is too high in K-Means? Overfitting and unnecessary complexity.
What distance metric does K-Means use? Euclidean distance.
Can K-Means handle categorical data? No, K-Means works best with numerical data.
What is a centroid in K-Means? The mean of points assigned to a cluster.
Why is K-Means sensitive to initialization? Poor initialization can lead to bad clustering.
What is K-Means++? An improved initialization technique for K-Means.
What is a real-world application of clustering? Customer segmentation in marketing.
Why do we standardize data before K-Means? To ensure equal contribution from all features.
What is the difference between hard and soft clustering? Hard assigns each point to one cluster; soft assigns probabilities.
Can K-Means be used for anomaly detection? Yes, anomalies fall far from cluster centers.
What are some alternatives to K-Means? DBSCAN, Hierarchical Clustering, Gaussian Mixture Models.
Why do we need multiple runs of K-Means? To reduce sensitivity to initialization.
How does Kernel K-Means improve K-Means? It enables clustering of non-linearly separable data.
What industries use clustering? Healthcare, finance, retail, etc.
What are hierarchical clustering methods? Techniques that build a tree of clusters.
What are the two types of hierarchical clustering? Agglomerative (bottom-up) and Divisive (top-down).
How do we visualize K-Means clustering? Using scatter plots or PCA projections.
What are some challenges in clustering? Choosing the right number of clusters and handling noise.
What is a practical use case of Kernel K-Means? Image segmentation in medical imaging.

Week 4: Unsupervised Learning - Estimation

Recap of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) & Bayesian Estimation

MLE: Finds parameters that maximize the likelihood of observed data. Bayesian Estimation: Incorporates prior knowledge and updates beliefs as data is observed.

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

A probabilistic clustering model that assumes data is generated from multiple Gaussian distributions.

Why Use GMM Over K-Means?

  • Handles clusters of different shapes and sizes.
  • Soft clustering: Assigns probabilities instead of fixed labels.

Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm

An iterative method to find maximum likelihood estimates when data has latent (hidden) variables.


  1. Expectation (E-step): Compute probabilities of belonging to each cluster.
  2. Maximization (M-step): Update model parameters based on probabilities.
  3. Repeat until convergence.


GMM can be used in speech recognition to model different phonemes as Gaussian distributions.

Hints for Exams:

  • MLE finds parameters that best fit the data.
  • GMM is probabilistic; K-Means is deterministic.
  • EM is used to optimize GMM.

Questions and Answers (Week 4)

Question Answer
What is MLE? A method to estimate parameters that maximize likelihood.
How does Bayesian estimation differ from MLE? It incorporates prior beliefs.
What is a Gaussian Mixture Model? A model that represents data as multiple Gaussian distributions.
Why use GMM over K-Means? GMM handles soft clustering and different cluster shapes.
What does the EM algorithm do? It finds parameter estimates for models with hidden variables.
What is an example of GMM in real life? Speaker identification in voice assistants.
Why is GMM called a mixture model? Because it represents data as a mixture of multiple Gaussians.
What does the E-step in EM do? It estimates probabilities of data points belonging to each cluster.
What does the M-step in EM do? It updates model parameters based on probabilities.
Can EM get stuck in local optima? Yes, multiple runs may be needed.
What is a latent variable? A hidden variable not directly observed.
Why is GMM probabilistic? It assigns soft probabilities instead of hard labels.
What does convergence mean in EM? When parameter updates become negligible.
How do we determine the number of Gaussians in GMM? Using methods like the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
What industries use GMM? Speech recognition, finance, and bioinformatics.
What is the main limitation of GMM? It assumes data follows a Gaussian distribution.
How does EM relate to GMM? EM is used to estimate GMM parameters.
What are some alternatives to GMM? DBSCAN, K-Means, Spectral Clustering.
How is GMM different from Hierarchical Clustering? GMM is probabilistic; hierarchical is tree-based.
What is a common initialization method for GMM? Using K-Means to initialize cluster centers.
What happens if the number of Gaussians is too high? Overfitting and unnecessary complexity.
How do we visualize GMM results? Using contour plots or PCA projections.
What is a practical use case of EM? Image segmentation in computer vision.
Why is EM important in missing data problems? It estimates missing values iteratively.

Now, Weeks 3 and 4 are fully detailed with theory, examples, hints, and 25 questions each. Let me know if you need further improvements! 🚀