May 22, 2015

Sorting Tutorial

What is Sorting ? Why Sorting?

Sotring is an algorithms  that arranges the elements of a list in certain can be in ascending , descending or any other fashion.sometimes sorting reduces the problem complexity.we can reduce the search complexity.

Classification  categories of sorting ?

1.Number of Comparision 
2.Number of Swap
3.Memory Usages
4.By Recursion

Other ways are :
1.INTERNAL(uses main memory only) 
2.EXTERNAL SORT(uses external memory ).

3. others

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm. It works by iterating the input from the first to last.Comparing each pair and swapping them if needed. Bubble sort continues until no swapping got its name  from the way smaller elements "bubble"  to the top of the list.