Given two arrays representing the In-Order/Pre-Order of the binary tree elements;
you need to print the post order of the tree.
For Example:
Input1: { 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6 };
Input2: { 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 };
Output:{ 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1 };
--We will use the below two facts for solving our problem
----1-The First element in the Pre-Order array will always be the root of the tree.
----2-The left part in the In-Order always consists of the elements in the left subtree of the root element and similarly for right subtree.
Basic Algo:
--Store the root of the tree/sub-tree from the first element of the Pre-Order array.
--Find that root in the in-order array to segregate the left subtree and the right tree.
--Now have faith that if you call your method again i.e recursively for left subtree and right subtree then you will get your result for left subtree and right subtree.
--After getting the answer Print the root element.
NOTE: For calculating the post order of left subtree and right subtree,
Be careful that you would need to pass correct array indexes for both subtrees.
CALCULATION of Array Indexes for Subtrees
-- For Calculation, first of all, find the position of the root element in In-Order array (as per the above algo)
-- Starting Index of Left Sub Tree in original In-Order Array: It is same as In-Order starting index (and for the full-tree/first-call it is 0).
-- Ending Index of Left Sub Tree in original In-Order Array: Position of root in In-Order minus 1 (pos-1)
-- Starting Index of Left Sub Tree in original Pre-Order Array: It is one more than original Pre-Order starting index.
-- Ending Index of Left Sub Tree in original Pre-Order Array: It is the addition of starting index of Pre-Order Array and the size of the left subtree.
--For calculating the size of the Left subtree you know that it should be the number of elements from the starting index of In-Order array and
the position of the root.
-- Starting Index of RIGHT Sub Tree in original In-Order Array: Position of root in In-Order add 1 (pos+1)
-- Ending Index of RIGHT Subtree in original In-Order Array: End index of the In-Order Array.
-- Starting Index of RIGHT Sub Tree in original Pre-Order Array: It is one more than the sum of starting index of Pre-Order array and size of the left subtree
-- Ending Index of RIGHT Tree in original Pre-Order Array: It is the end index of the Pre-Order Array
--If the root does not have a left/right subtree then don't call the method again
--When you get the position of the root element at the starting index of In-Order Array, it means that it does not have left subtree.
--When you get the position of the root element at the ending index of In-Order Array, it means that it does not have right subtree.
package binarytree;
public class PrintPostWithPreAndIn
public static void main(String[] args)
int in[] = { 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6 };
int pre[] = { 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 };
printPostOrder(in, pre, 0, 5, 0, 5);
public static void printPostOrder(int in[], int pre[], int isi, int iei,int psi, int pei)
if (isi >= iei || psi >= pei)
System.out.print(in[isi]+” “);
int root = pre[psi];
// root is always the first element in preorder
int pos = search(in, isi, iei, root);
int startIndexOfLSTIO = isi;
int endIndexOfLSTIO = pos - 1;
int startIndexofLSTPRO = psi + 1;
int lsize = pos - isi;
int endIndexofLSTPRO = psi + lsize;
// printPostOrderFromLeftSubTree
printPostOrder(in, pre, startIndexOfLSTIO,endIndexOfLSTIO,startIndexofLSTPRO, endIndexofLSTPRO);
// printPostOrderFromRightSubTree
int startIndexOfRSTIO = pos + 1;
int endIndexOfRSTIO = iei;
int startIndexOfRSTPRO = psi + lsize+1;
int endIndexOfRSTPRO = pei;
printPostOrder(in, pre, startIndexOfRSTIO, endIndexOfRSTIO,startIndexOfRSTPRO, endIndexOfRSTPRO);
public static int search(int[] ar, int si, int ei, int val)
for (int i = si; i <= ei; i++)
if (ar[i] == val)
return i;
return -1;
OUTPUT: 4 5 2 6 3 1